Most.Rev.Thomas Paulsamy D.D

Most.Rev.Thomas Paulsamy D.D is the Second Bishop Of Dindigul Diocese. He born on 02.08.1951 and taken his Ordination on 25.05.1977. Also the Date Of Episcopal Ordination on 22.05.2016. Now he is 65 years old and who lead new disciples to God, and he is authentic teacher and lovable messanger of God.

He dedicated himself fully to deliver his preach…Read More

Rev.Fr. Panneer Selvam

Rev.Fr.Panneer Selvam is a dedicated Priest. He is young and viberative. He belongs to the Catholic Diocese of Dindigul. He took charge as the Parish Priest on 31.05.2017. He is a loyal servant of God and known for preaching the word of God in holistic way. He is very kind towards old Aged & suffering poor people. He has been…Read More


Rev.Fr, V. Selvaraj, Administrative Priest is very lovable and kind in nature. He born on 24.01.1956 and taken his Ordination on 26.04.1982. He is the Fifteenth Parish Priest of this parish. He is the present parish priest since 2008. He is priest for 36 years. He is a very prayerful person. He is Wellversed Person In Charismatic Prayers. People from neighbaring…Read More

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